Friday, June 29, 2012
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Monday, June 25, 2012
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Why is Dinner Fattening?
Almost everyone looks back with warmth at memories of
some family dinner. Dinners are ideally associated with relaxation,
laughter and talk.
The process of laughing and talking over food should technically
stretch the meal, giving our brain ample time to send satiety signals.
Again, ideally, this should mean saved calories and leaner bodies over
The reality, however, is different. In today’s hurried worlds, we
rush home from work to errands, events or even kids homework. The
calories start building up way before they are consumed. The hurried
mindset usually means cutting corners in dinner preparation.
We add fats or fatty meats to add flavor, processed foods to cut
cooking times, and heavy starches as comfort food. We may even have
skipped meals during the day, and get so hungry that we munch on a snack
while waiting for dinner to get to the table. By the time dinner is
served, the average meal has doubled or tripled in calories.
As a society, we are also consuming dinner later in the evenings,
which means we are not giving our bodies enough time to digest and
assimilate the meal. That adds to an automatic increase in fatty
stores. Welcome to the land of pear-shaped people!
So what can you do to prevent dinner from destroying your weight loss or weight maintenance plan?
Here are three tips:
- Switch meals - Making breakfast the biggest meal of the day not only gets your diet plan off to the right start, but a balanced breakfast also helps fight disease and reduce cravings through the remainder of the day. It gives you the energy to keep going through the day (with a balanced lunch, of course).
- Plan Ahead – This means taking the time to plan out menus for the week to ensure you don’t have to cut corners and add high-calorie substitutes later.
- Enjoy with Company – Research shows that having a balanced dinner with friends or family on a daily basis prevents obesity as individuals tend to exercise more restraint on eating patterns socially than when eating by themselves. Conversation around the table also means there is more time for your brain to signal, “I’m Full”.
These tips are all part of the Fat Loss Factor Nutrition program.
For more information on this amazing fat loss system click Here.
Have an Amazing Day!!

Saturday, June 23, 2012
Eat More Food To Lose Weight Fast
There is one golden rule for dieters and non-dieters alike: Eat frequently but eat less. This is practically the easiest way to ensure we lose weight, even if we don’t change anything about our diet. Here’s why:
Bye-bye over-eating: When eating five or six times a day, we sit down for each meal only feeling a slight pang of hunger, as opposed to wanting to eat everything in sight when we are famished. Switching to more meals a day will also help us appreciate food better, which, again, will improve the quality of our life and change our relationship with food.
No binges: By eating more often, you’re less likely to get ravenous. When you eat a midmorning and mid-afternoon snack, you’re not starving at lunchtime or after work. You are then much less likely to binge. For each meal or snack, eat both protein and carbs, such as cereal with milk, an apple with peanut butter or a turkey sandwich. Protein takes longer to digest than carbs, so you’ll stay satisfied longer.
Fire up your metabolism: Metabolism kicks into high gear when we feed ourselves regularly. Our bodies are less likely to go into ‘survival mode’, as they do when we go for large periods of time with inadequate or no food, and then binge. By feeding yourself regularly, your body thinks you’re getting ongoing fuel with no lack in supply. It’ll keep burning those calories, and you will start feeling the results in no time.
Switching to six meals a day also has benefits beyond weight control. Since we no longer feel famished, our attention span improves, as also does our concentration, which, in turn, translates into increased productivity and an overall better mood at all times. You are also likely to eat more nutritiously because you won’t be loading up on empty calories.
These tips are all part of the Fat Loss Factor Nutrition program.
For more information on this amazing fat loss system click Here.
Have an Amazing Day!!

Thursday, June 21, 2012
How Does Stress Impact Your Weight Loss Efforts?
There is plenty of published research linking stress and weight gain.
While a variety of external behaviors and factors affect how we deal
with stress, there are also biological responses automatically occurring
within our body.
Cortisol, a stress-related hormone, has been
associated with weight gain, especially abdominal fat. When under
stress, very large amounts of cortisol are released into the blood
stream. The most amount of fat is collected in the abdomen region when
we eat under stress because receptors for cortisol are located in the
abdomen. To make things worse, a higher waist-to-hip ratio has been
associated with higher levels of cortisol under stress. That is a
double whammy for those of us who are even slightly overweight. It
means we automatically start triggering more abdominal fat storage than
our leaner peers.
Metabolism is also impacted by excess cortisol. Metabolism slows
down. A slower metabolism means you can’t burn off calories
efficiently, and this results in weight gain even when consuming a lower
amount of calories. Another double whammy here. Since most people tend
to eat more when under stress, the rate of weight gain increases
So what can you do to avoid having cortisol create a roadblock in
your weight loss efforts? Manage stress proactively! Don’t wait until
it catches up with you to start fighting it. Here are a few things to
Raise awareness: Gain awareness of your stress triggers and reactions.
Raise awareness: Gain awareness of your stress triggers and reactions.
Get in those workouts: Exercise regularly to
regulate cortisol levels. It can also help alleviate depression. Try
relaxation exercises such as guided meditations and yoga.
Get enough rest: Your body rejuvenates itself while sleeping, and helps you cope with stress more effectively. It may mean that you make a wiser food choice the next day, and help yourself in your weight loss or maintenance plan.
Get enough rest: Your body rejuvenates itself while sleeping, and helps you cope with stress more effectively. It may mean that you make a wiser food choice the next day, and help yourself in your weight loss or maintenance plan.
It is important to note that while it is important you manage stress
and cortisol levels appropriately, medication is not a recommended first
option. Try one of the methods above first!
These tips are all part of the Fat Loss Factor Nutrition program.
For more information on this amazing fat loss system click Here.
Have an Amazing Day!!

Seven Ways to Boost Your Metabolism for Fast Fat Burning
A higher metabolism helps you feel good with higher
energy levels, keeps your body functions going at optimum, and becomes
an automatic weight control mechanism for you. Here are ten tips on how
to boost your metabolism for fast fat burning.
Eat your breakfast - If you don’t eat breakfast,
you slow down your metabolism and send the body into survival mode,
thinking it’s starving because you’re going a long period of time
without food. Literally, break the fast that your body has been on
since dinner. Go ahead and enjoy a balanced breakfast.
Eat the majority of your food earlier in the day –
Dinner should be your lightest meal. This helps your body process and
burn the food when you’re aware and moving around and burning more
calories per hour.
Don’t starve – Dropping your calorie intake below 1,000 calories a day will signal to your body that you are in starvation mode, and will slow down your metabolism.
Don’t starve – Dropping your calorie intake below 1,000 calories a day will signal to your body that you are in starvation mode, and will slow down your metabolism.
Eat frequently and eat more – Smaller, more frequent meals keeps your blood sugar stable and provides a steady source of energy to fuel metabolism.
Exercise – Exercise provides a boost at any time of
the day, but when done in the mornings, it is especially helpful by
raising your metabolism all day. Add weight training or progressive
resistance exercise that builds muscle for ever more results. Muscle
burns more calories than fat, and the more muscle you have, the more
calories you burn, even at rest!
Hydrate yourself – The energy burning process of metabolism needs water to work effectively. Keep drinking those glasses of water regularly. Be sure it is purified or spring water.
Tap water will have a reverse effect.
Get enough B vitamins – Vitamin B-12 is essential for energy. To ensure you’re getting enough B vitamins, consider taking a B complex. Your energy levels will rise, and alongwith, your metabolism too!
Get enough B vitamins – Vitamin B-12 is essential for energy. To ensure you’re getting enough B vitamins, consider taking a B complex. Your energy levels will rise, and alongwith, your metabolism too!
These tips are all part of the Fat Loss Factor Nutrition program. For more information on this amazing fat loss system click Here.
Try these tips :)
Have an Amazing Day!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Stress, Comfort Foods and Weight Gain
What do you associate comfort foods with? When do we
need these ‘comfort foods’? The answers to these questions bring forth
the direct connection between stress, comfort foods and weight gain.
Most comfort foods are high carbohydrate, high fat, or both. A bowl
of macaroni and cheese or buttery mashed potatoes are just two examples
of the variety of food we consider comfort food. We are most likely to
reach for these foods when we are under stress and need re-assurance at
some level. For a lot of us, comfort foods tend to provide that
reassurance – the same feeling you probably got as a child eating those
foods that all will be okay.
Not only do we eat more under stress, we also tend to consume alcohol
more often. That means we are not only adding in the calories from
feel-good food items, we are also adding in a large number of empty
calories from stress-induced drinking. All the extra calories mean a
lot of extra workouts to burn them off, or more than likely, weight gain
over a period of time.
Studies have shown that women in particular are more at risk for
eating and drinking in direct response to stress. The primary cause for
over-eating that women have stated in various studies is a lack of
emotional support. That makes it imperative for those of us trying to
lose weight to build a support network that we can rely on during
periods of stress. It may mean reaching out to them for help, just
blowing off steam, or socializing with supportive friends so we are not
focusing on tough issues alone. Being with company also means we are
less likely to consume a box of chocolate, or a couple of bottles of
wine. Imagine the number of calories and weight gain you save yourself
every time you do not eat an extra piece of chocolate or an extra
serving of food?
What all of us can do is just to be more aware and conscious of how
we react to stress. This awareness in itself will help guide actions
and help us make choices that don’t have to automatically mean weight
gain. It also means that we can and should stop using stress as an
excuse to explain any weight gain.
These tips are all part of the Fat Loss Factor Nutrition program.
For more information on this amazing fat loss system click Here.
These tips are all part of the Fat Loss Factor Nutrition program.
For more information on this amazing fat loss system click Here.
Give it a try and see what happens :)
Have an Amazing Day!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012
4 Reasons Why You Can’t Burn Fat Fast
As you get older your metabolic rate generally goes
into decline and you require a reduced number of daily calories. This
decreases your ability to burn fat fast. If you are
affected by a slowing metabolism, you need to take preventative measures
or you will gain weight. You will need to take a number of preventative
measures to stop your metabolism declining and some measures to boost
your metabolic rate.
It is important to identify some major causes of a slow metabolism so you know what to avoid, and what to take action on:
ALCOHOL – Alcoholic drinks are full of sugar and
calories. They can also lead to dehydration which reduces the
effectiveness of your metabolism. An occasional alcoholic drink is OK
but binge drinking and/or drinking every day can lead to a reduced
BIG MEALS – Larger meals contain more calories than
smaller meals. Therefore, there is an increased likelihood that
additional calories will be stored as fat. To maximize your metabolism
you have to break these large meals down into smaller meals that you eat
more frequently.
SUGARY FOODS – Sugary foods have a low nutritional
value, are high in calories and digest easily. This means that less
calories are burned in the digestion process and more calories are
stored as fat. The occasional sugary treat is OK but your overall diet
needs to contain limited levels of sugary foods. Look at your diet as a
whole and try to substitute the unhealthy foods for healthier ones.
Healthier foods generally have a higher nutritional value and are harder
to digest, meaning more calories are burned during the digestion
process. This has a positive effect on your metabolic rate.
SEDENTARY LIFESTYLE – Remaining active and avoiding a
sedentary lifestyle will help to stop your metabolism from slowing
down. Taking your exercise more seriously can help increase your
metabolic rate. If you participate in regular cardiovascular exercise
and regular weight training exercise, you will be on your way to
maximizing your metabolism.
These tips are all part of the Fat Loss Factor Nutrition program.
For more information on this amazing fat loss system click Here.
These tips are all part of the Fat Loss Factor Nutrition program.
For more information on this amazing fat loss system click Here.
Have an Amazing Day!!!

Monday, June 18, 2012
Desk Job Jitters: Easy Ways To Avoid Over-Snacking
Work is a dangerous environment for your waist line. It is really easy to over eat and over snack because you aren't moving around that much, your job is typically repetitive work and you sit all day. Sound familiar? I bet at least part of that statement applies to you.
If it does, then these tips will give you some alternative snacks and some ways to keep you from over snacking.
1. First and foremost, always plan ahead and bring your own snacks. With a little pre-planning you can take the guess work out of snacking and pick the most filling choices.
2. Eat a large healthy breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You require the most energy in the morning, so eat more food. You have all day to burn it off! NEVER skip breakfast! You set yourself up for failure automatically.
3. Leave your loose change at home and only carry big bills. This will keep you away from the horribly unhealthy vending
4. Stay consistent with your eating... eat 5-6 smaller meals a day. Trust me, once you start on this, you will never leave. Eating 6 small meals/snacks a day will boost your metabolism, keep your hunger under control and keep your energy levels high.
5. Keep a glass of water next to your desk. Drink it frequently. Hunger signals get mixed up with thirst signals. When you feel hungry, take a few big gulps of your water.
6. Keep hard peppermint candies in your desk- peppermint stimulates energy and soothes digestion. Make sure you suck on it and don't bite it!
7. Chew mint gum. Same principle as above. Keeps your mouth "occupied".
8. Try to stay as active as possible. You definitely don't want to be thinking about food all day!
9. Keep your stress levels under control... when in doubt, take a couple minutes, shut your eyes and breathe!
10. Don't give in to peer pressure. Believe it or not, when you stop eating junk food, everybody and their brother will start tempting you and trying to get you to break down. This is because they are feeling guilty because you have the will power to stop and they don't.
11. Drink healthy teas such as green tea, yerba mate, oolong teas, etc. These contain anti-oxidants and other nutrients designed to help you in your weight loss journey.
What are some great alternative snacks?
2. Celery and Almond Butter (Natural peanut butter, only if you can't find almond butter)
3. Raw veggies such as broccoli, cauliflower, red peppers, green peppers, carrots, snap peas, and hummus to dip them in.
4. Small handful of raw almonds, walnuts, pistachios
5. Healthy beef jerky or turkey jerky
6. A protein and fiber mixed drink... (1 scoop of whey protein, 1 scoop of fiber powder mixed in water and ice if you have a blender)
7. Any raw fruit or vegetable combined with a small handful of nuts.
8. Healthy, protein bars... be very careful with these because the majority are not healthy at all. Make sure that you know how to read ingredient labels.
Your goal for a snack is to balance your carb, protein and fat ratios so that it keeps your blood sugar hormones at bay. You want to avoid the blood sugar crash. Which sucks the energy right out of your body.
Like I mentioned earlier, the key to stop over-snacking at work is proper planning. Add these tips to your lifestyle and see what happens!
These tips are all part of the Fat Loss Factor Nutrition program.
For more information on this amazing fat loss system click Here.
Have an Amazing Day!!

Night Munchers Beware: 12 Strategies To Stop Late Night Eating
Why do you not want to snack at night? Mainly because you are going right to bed and everything that you will be eating will be stored as fat. Basically what I'm trying to tell you is whatever you eat at night will go straight to your butt, thighs and belly fat pretty much instantly. I know that is definitely not what you want!
Your body doesn't need energy at night so it's gonna do the next best thing... store it for later!
It's easy to control your diet during the day, but as soon as evening turns into night, you turn into a night munching machine. Looking for that perfect snack that will satisfy your endless craving. This type of snacking will completely ruin a perfect day of dieting if you don't learn to deal with it.
So why do we get the munchies late at night? This isn't an easy question to answer because there are multiple reasons:
So why do we get the munchies late at night?
This isn't an easy question to answer because there are
multiple reasons:
- You are bored
- You are lonely
- You are trying to satisfy your sweet tooth
- You have a habit of eating while you watch TV
- You are studying/reading
So how in the world do we break this habit?
Here is a list of strategies that will help you to curb your late night eating:
1. This is the easiest tip... Wait 15 minutes. If you start craving ben and jerry's ice cream, wait 15 minutes. It takes about that much time for the temptation to go away. If you still have the craving, move on to step 2
2. Drink a cup or two of water. We will often confuse thirst with hunger.
3. Suck on hard mints. Hard candy is low calorie and peppermint helps to energize the body and sooth digestion.
4. Brush your teeth: This is a great strategy because the last thing that you want to do is to eat after you have brushed your teeth.
5. Drink Herbal Tea: Drink Chamomile tea or peppermint tea before you go to bed. These are soothing and relaxing for the body.
6. Do something to occupy your hands: Paint your nails, play video games, knit, keep your hands busy and you can find off the urge to night munch.
7. Burn sweet smelling candles: Research shows that inhaling their aroma can curb your late night cravings and fool your hunger.
8. Treat yourself to a soothing bath.
9. Remove unhealthy snacks out of your house. I do this one. You eventually get tired of looking and just go without :-)
10. Eat healthy snacks before bed. Some examples are raw broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, red peppers and hummus together as a snack. Make sure that you add a bit of protein or a small amount of fat ( A small handful of raw almonds is a perfect combo of fat and protein) , You can also make a protein and fiber shake.( A scoop of healthy whey protein and a scoop of fiber powder mixed in water and ice if you want. )
11. Eat 6 small meals at regular intervals. Eating small meals throughout the day will help burn more fat and keep your appetite under control by leveling your blood sugar. Your metabolism will also get a boost.
12. Last but not least, Use Emotional Freedom Technique to stop your food cravings. This powerful technique is cheap and easy to learn. You can go here for more information: http://products.mercola.com/eft-try-it-on-everything/?aid=CD423
For best results, starting adding one of these strategies a week and really make it part of your lifestyle. Soon, you will be able to kiss the late night munchies good bye!
These tips are all part of the Fat Loss Factor Nutrition program.
For more information on this amazing fat loss system click Here.
Have an Amazing Day!!

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